Embodied Developmental and Relational Psychotherapy Karishma Deanna Darby, MFT
Embodied Developmental and Relational Psychotherapy Karishma Deanna Darby, MFT
"The goal is to explore with deep generosity and graciousness the being you have become, to be present to what is, to experience the ever present unfolding, and discover yourself anew in every moment." - Karishma Deanna Darby
In EDRP the attention to internal states - thoughts, emotions, and sensation - establishes the basis for sensing the other. As attunement to the ever-changing experience of the self is tracked with respect and compassion, the experience of the other becomes more fluid and alive.
Previously held assumptions about "how people are" or "how this person is," can melt into the dynamic moment where potential for change is continually possible.
Karishma Deanna Darby, Marriage & Family Therapist
Embodied Developmental
and Relational Psychotherapy maintains a focus on the dynamic quality of internal experience and embodied relationship.
Current Group:
Healing the Heart
An Exploration of the BodyMind in Relationships
Karishma Deanna Darby
© 2019 Karishma Deanna Darby • graphic design by Marcia O'Rourke • site coordinator Judith Schulte